Capt. Mihai-Codrut Staicu, Director Maritime Co-ordination Center, RNA
Chris Hawkes, Safety Director, IOGP
Constantin Gheorghe, Chief HSEQ Officer/ Company DPA, Grup Servicii Petroliere SA
Dr Jörg Köhli, Team Leader: Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations, EC DG Energy
Marta Januszewska, Regional Representative Europe and Caspian, Oil Spill Response Limited
Kostadin Sirleshtov, Partner, CMS Sofia
Rachel Bennette, Principal Consultant, ERM
Richard Napp, Head of Offshore and Global Projects, Lloyd’s Register
Rob Steer, Risk and Safety Team, ERM
Valentin Kunev, Manager, BBSPA
William Noble, Verification Technical Authority, Bureau Veritas UK