Regional Oil and Gas Conference, 18-19 November 2021, Istanbul, Hotel Novotel Bosphorus
Aditya Saraswat, Senior Analyst, Rystad Energy
Rystad Energy Regional Update on Black Sea and East Mediterranean Region
Kostadin Sirleshtov, Partner, CMS,
Natural gas in the Bulgarian energy transition
Valery Konyushenko, CFO, Mazarine Energy
Mazarine Energy and the position of private upstream players in emerging landscape
Gianpaolo Dalla Vedova, Lloyd’s Register South Europe Offshore, Data and Digital Manager, Marine&Offshore Country Lead for Italy
Exploring the 5 Areas for Cross-Sector Integration to Advance our Energy Systems
Boyana Achovski, Secretary General, Gas Infrastructure Europe
The strategic, commercial and technical journey to replace coal with hydrogen
Georgios D. Panopoulos, CEO, MANAGEMENT FORCE Group
Vetting contractors and building sustainable relations and business
Filimon Antonopoulos, Managing Director, Tallon Commodities,
Gas Prices and Market Risk Management
Murat Kalay, Secretary General, Petform
Turkey EP Sector Outlook 2021
Ryan Pereira, Global Director – Gas & LNG, GaffneyCline
Global Gas & LNG and Carbon Management
David Tonge, Director, IBS Research & Consultancy
Turkey’s supply options at times of price volatility
Paolo Maffeis, Executive Manager, PRISMA European Capacity Platform
Teodora Georgieva, Executive Director, ICGB
ICGB Project – changing the energy game
Sander van Rootselaar, Deputy Head of Communications & Spokesperson, TurkStream
TurkStream after two years of operations
Milen Dimitrov, Head of Department – natural gas, Bulgarian Energy and Water Regulatory Commission
Christian Filippitsch, Partner, Reed Smith
The impact of EU Energy Regulation and Competition Law on the Oil and Gas Industry.
Bernd Rajal, Partner, Schoenherr
Hydrogen in the European Union – Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework