3rd Annual BBSPA Kiev Upstream and Investments Workshop

 BBSPA Kiev Upstream and Investments Workshop

November 4, 2011, the Hyatt Regency Hotel Kiev

 Third Edition 

Dr. Volodymyr Ignashchenko, Councelor to the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine
Upstream Investments and Opportuniies in Ukraine: Deep-water Tenders and Shale Gas Projects

Dr. Irina Paliashvili, Managing Partner, RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group
Legal, Regulatory and InstitutionalFrameworks of Upstream Activities in Ukraine

Mr. Andras Jenei, Advsior to the Board, Falcon Oil & Gas, Head of CFPA Energy Workshop
Can Shale Gas Become a Game Changer in Ukraine?

Mr. Dominique Menu, Head of the Ukraine Representative Office, BNP Paribas

Dr. Piotr Krzywiec, Polish Geological Institute
Regional Understanding of Shale Gas Opportunities in Eastern Europe 

Dr. Valentin Kunev, Manager, BBSPA
BBS Upstream Activities Update

Agenda (eng.)

Agenda (rus.)