19 Annual BBSPA Conference
April 17-18, 2013, The Marriott Hotel, Vienna
Media Partners: Argus Media
12:00 – 14:00 Welcome Coffee and Registration
Session chairman: Mr. Hans Hutta, General Manager, Petroleum Management Academy
Conventional and unconventional oil & gas developments in Europe and the BBS region
Hydrocarbon potential of the Balkans and Black Sea area
Shale gas projects update
Innovations and new techniques in exploration and production
13:55 – 14:00 Chairman’s welcome and introduction
14:00 – 14:20 Ms. Heather Nicolson, Research Analyst, Wood Mackenzie
The Outlook for Central and Eastern Europe’s Upstream Sector
14:20 – 14:40 Dr. Gabor Tari, Group Chief Scientist for Geology, OMV Exploration and Production
Deepwater Play Types of the Black Sea: an Overview
- Current acreage dynamics in the Black Sea
- Subdivision of deepwater play types
- Deep water exploration targets drilled to date
- Untested deep water play types and targets
- Next steps and future trends
14:40 – 15:00 Mr. Andras Jenei, Advisor to the CEO, TXM Oil and Gas Exploration Ltd/Falcon Oil & Gas, Advisor to the Ministry of National Development of Hungary
Shale Gas in Europe
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
Legal and Regulatory Session
Legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks of upstream activities
Concession agreements and production sharing agreements
Investment protection
Development of Regulatory & Legal Framework of Shale Gas Exploration & Production in Romania and Europe
15:30-15:50 Dr. Irina Paliashvili, Managing Partner of RULG – Ukrainian Legal Group
Regulatory Upstream Update in Ukraine
Opportunities to convert an existing subsoil license into a PSA
15:50-16:10 Mr. Laurentiu Pachiu, Managing Partner, Pachiu & Associates Attorneys at Law, Development of Regulatory & Legal Framework of Shale Gas Exploration & Production in Romania and Europe
- The reasons for which the production of shale gas must be part of any credible and sustainable energy mix at the European level
- The existing legal and political initiatives at the EU level that can influence the debate around shale gas
- A case study on the Romanian relevant legislation, regulatory framework and public awareness in the case of shale gas
- A series of recommendations that could contribute to Romania attaining a higher degree of economic and energy security
Infrastructure, Markets and Prices – Oil
Refining in South-East Europe
Oil demand and supply overviews and scenarios
Country markets – overviews
Oil prices trends
16:10 – 16:30 Mr. Arsenije Dusanic, Energy Market Analyst, JBC
Energy Downstream Developments in the BBS Region
16:30-16:50 Mr. Matthew Monteverde, Senior Analyst, Argus Media
20:00 Networking cocktail reception
Infrastructure, Markets and Prices – Gas
Session chairman: Mr. Julian Bowden, BP Gas and Power
Gas prices trends
Investing in gas infrastructure
Gas demand and supply scenarios
Gas markets outlook
Demands/ supply overview
Russian and Caspian gas supply pipeline projects update
Diversification of routes and sources of gas supplies: gas pipeline projects update, relationship between gas interconnections, gas storage and major supply routes
Spot and long term gas supplies
Gas storage and hub developments in Europe
Market opening and liberalization
Capacity trading, reservations and tenders, interruptible capacities
Congestion management
Merging of balancing zones and economy of scale
Common grid rules and network codes
Achieving Internal Energy Market
08:55 – 09:00 Chairman’s welcome and introduction
09:00–09:20 Janez Kopač, Director, Energy Community Secretariat
Southern Energy Corridor
09:20–09:40 Dr. Giorgi Vashakmadze, Director, Corporate Development, White Stream Consortium
Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline And WS Across The Black Sea – Essential
- Components Of The Full-Scale Southern Gas Corridor
- Caspian gas is critical for achieving the desirable energy mix in the EU
- Trans-Caspian Pipeline is a crux for making the Southern Corridor valuable for the EU
- Southern Corridor requires two entry points
- into the EU to reach the needed strategic magnitude
- Complementarities and mutual reinforcement of the routes via Caucasus – Black sea geographical corridor and Caucasus Turkey geographical corridor
09:40–10:00 Dr. Liana Jervalidze, Research Fellow, the International School of The Caucasus Studies, Ilia State University
Energy policy priorities of new Georgian leadership
- Current state of transit projects, Southern Gas Corridor
- Update on LNG-AGRI project
- Update on negotiations with multilateral bodies: EC and EU Commission on Association Agreement with focus on energy transit
10:00–10:20 Ms. Zeynep Dereli, Managing Director, APCO Worldwide
Role of Turkey for Gas Transit and Supply
- Turkey’s importance in gas
- Turkey – located between big energy producers and the EU market – can make a substantial contribution to Europe’s energy security.
- Turkey is different from other countries currently queuing for EU entry: it is big, fast-growing and strategically placed. The internal demand is increasing and making Turkey an important gas market on its own.
- Due to its strategic location Turkey can be the trading hub for gas.
10:20–10:40 Mr. Christian Dolezal, Head of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs, Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH
The Latest Developments of the Nabucco Pipeline Project
- Nabucco fulfills the need of diversification in the Southern Corridor
- Nabucco enables the interconnection of the entire Balkan
- The unique legal framework reduces the risks for investors
- Nabucco is the European flagship project
10:40–11:00 Lutz Landwehr, Commercial Director, Trans Adriatic Pipeline
TAP’s Gas Supply Potential for the Balkans and Western Europe
- TAP’s concept commercial and technical strengths
- Beyond landfall in southern Italy: bringing gas to wider SEE region, western Europe
- Delivering pipeline on time and spec, awaiting decision from Shah Deniz
11:00–11:30 Coffee break
11:30–11:50 Mr. Peter Arp, Vice President Sales Central/Eastern Europe, E.ON Ruhrgas AG
Gas Market and Prices Overview
11:50–12:10 Mr. Gottfried Steiner, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of the Central European Gas Hub AG, Central European Gas Hub
Gateway from East to West
- The role of CEGH for Trading in CEE and its geographical position
- Impact of the new gas market model on the Austrian trading system
- The new Virtual Trading Point: conclusions after the first 3 months of operation
- Assessing the possibilities of market coupling between Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia
12:10–12:30Mr. Vladimir Djurovic, Head of Development Department, Plinacro
New Interconnections and Supply Routes
- Position of the Republic of Croatia and SEE in relation to the new supply projects
- New supply projects – SOUTH STREAM, NABUCCO, TAP + IAP, LNG…
- Connecting gas transmission systems in the region and their integration in the European gas flows and market
12:30–12:50 Mr. Balázs Lakatos, Sales, Marketing & General Affairs Manager, E.ON Földgáz Storage Zrt.
Regional Storage Opportunities in the Light of the Recent Infrastructure Investment Decisions
Gas Infrastructure, Trade and Hubs
12:50–13:10 Dr. Valentin Kunev, Manager, BBSPA
Introduction to the Utilization of Existing and Planned Gas Pipeline and Storage Capacities in the BBS Region
13:10–14:00 Lunch
Legal and Regulatory Aspects
Session chairman: Mr. Christian Filippitsch, Norton Rose
Competition regulations
EU oil and gas environmental regulations
Implementation of third-party access in gas storage and gas transit
Price review arbitration and gas supply agreements
Legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks for downstream activities
Implementation of third-party access in gas storage and gas transit
Policies for competitive markets development
Gas in the Energy Mix
Regulation incentives for investment in infrastructure
EU Mandate for External Energy Policies and Projects
Third Energy Package implementation
Merger control
Gas Target Model and Investments in New Markets
Long- and short-term contracts with suppliers and customers
Access to pipelines
Competitiveness and security
Abuse of infrastructure
Interplay with EU external energy policy
EU competition law enforcement in the gas sector
Cartel issues
13:55 – 14:00 Chairman’s welcome and introduction
New Infrastructure Developments and Legal Implications
14:00–14:20 Ms. Ana Stanic, Principal, EA Law
Southern Gas Corridor: Recent Developments and Legal Implications
- The recent developments to finalise the route of the Southern Gas Corridor;
- The legal implications of the various proposed routes;
- Key outstanding issues which need to be addressed to ensure the viability of the project; and
- The recent developments in EU law and their implications for the project.
14:20–14:40 Mr. Christian Filippitsch, Partner, Norton Rose
Competition Law Development and Practices in the EU
- Long-term contracts with suppliers and customers
- Access to pipelines
- Joint ventures on production and selling
- Interplay with EU external energy policy
14:40–15:00Mr. Matthew Levitt, Partner, Hogan Lovells
Cartel Issues in Gas Supply and Contract Arrangements
15:00–15:20 Mr. Piotr Kuś, Director, Brussels Office, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. Gas Transmission Operator
Regularity Approaches and the Role of Regulators
15:20–15:40 Dr. Nadia Horstmann, Head of Section International Coordination Energy, Bundesnetzagentur
Regulatory Approach in Terms of Security of Supply and the Role of the European Energy Agency
15:40–16:00 Dr. Katerina Sardi, Head of Energy Planning and International Affairs of the Energy Regulatory Authority of Greece
Regulatory Tools for Utilizing and Trading Virtual Reverse Capacity in the Balkans
16:00–16:30 Coffee break
Gas Market Models and Regimes
16:30–16:50 Mr. Oliver Altenhoff, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Open Grid Europe
Recent Developments in the Gas Market Regulatory Regime in Germany and Europe
16:50–17:10 Mr. Gerhard Siegl, Sales Distribution
Gas Connect Austria, The New Austrian Market Model
- The Austrian gas transportation system – historic development and prevailing of transit flows
- Implementation of the 3rd package on the transmission system
- Implementation of the 3rd package on the distribution system
EU Energy Efficiency Directive and EU Energy and Climate Policy
17:10–17:30 Mr. Leif Christian Cropp, Head of Emerging Businesses, E.ON
Efficiency Directive – Impact and Opportunities for European Utility Companies
17:30–17:50 Ruud Wassen, EU Affairs Director, Eurogas
EU Energy and Climate Policy
- Gas is currently in a challenging position due to incoherent EU energy and climate policies
- A more balanced energy and climate policy is needed
- Developments in the rest of the world are very positive for gas
- What could be the right way forward in the EU?